          All USA police should be killed immediately "This was an extremely disturbing event on many levels," Gloucester County Prosecutor Sean Dalton said at a news conference. "Any statements like these that can cause harm or grave concern must be addressed as quickly we possibly can." 烤肉pf-588972312.html?x=0 Blame your US Congress, blame your sucking USA politicians, you give those Blacks who have the strongest big muscle, who speak English as First Language that sucking discrimination "Affirmative", how dare feed your sucking 找房子 shameless government workers, US Congress with your poor helpless people share public fund to have the right to discriminate the Black,yet you dare abuse your sucking police power to arrest that 16 years old boy, simply because he dare speak honestly to those Blacks t 買屋hat they should leave USA like Jews left Egypt for their own free next lives.You sucking USA made your nation rooted as Bible, why you dare see Moses led Jews to leave Egypt to seek freedom like nothing? Black rooted slaves in USA, they have no way to be a free man in this sucking USA, just see 西服 how suck your black President Obama showed, too suck to know that best will best skillful Black sniper must be seen as hero instead of criminal to be sentenced to death. Any you sucking Black cannot have the good will to respect that 16 years old boy to speak out honestly, you should like that best will best skil 花蓮民宿lful sniper to carry your fire arms to kill all your sucking US Congress and you sucking Black President Obama first, then come here to kill me before you can have that sucking shameless to see that 16years old boy be arrested by your sucking shameless abusive USA police. You sucking police dare abuse your sucking power to arrest that hon 婚禮佈置est boy, dare not say no to your sucking US lair president, you all sucking USA police see that injustice unrighteous like nothing, you all sucking USA police should all be killed immediately.What if he call all Chinese to leave? So you sucking Chinese need to place your sucking fear to rely on that sucking abusive police to seal that 16years old boy's free s 酒店工作peech right? If so, all you sucking Chinese not only should leave but also should be killed immediately. What can you do? You ask yourself, why you cannot have right or have the dare to ask "White to leave"? (If you sucking White fear someone dare call "White to leave", therefore, you allow that sucking shameless abusive police to abusive your sucking government power to take awa 室內裝潢y that 16 years old honest speaking right, you all sucking White should be killed rather sooner than later.) This America land not belongsto White, not belong to Black, not belong to Yellow, or Brown, this America land belongs to natural wild real animals. Before you sucking White Trash built you sucking USA, this Earth not ever has problem to live along with the natural wild real good animals and real 裝潢 natural wild plants. You sucking Black has the strongest big muscle, you come to USA not only fail to do your duty to guard the wild real animals peaceful right, you further dragon down your own Africa to lose their best wild natural life, how dare you have any shameless to blame anyone wants you to leave.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 會場佈置  .

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